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The Problem of Too Many Goals and How to Solve It

The Problem of Too Many Goals and How to Solve It

A few times a year, I sit down and reflect on where my business has been, where it is, and where it’s going. I do this at the beginning of the calendar year and again on my birthday in August. This year, I realized I had a major problem that was stunting the...
5 “Shortcuts” to Success

5 “Shortcuts” to Success

If you’re a freelance writer – or working to become one – nothing will get you off course faster than a shiny object. Shiny objects are tips, tricks, or techniques that distract you from your main path. They make you think there might be a better, faster way to...
How to Overcome the 5 Most Common Freelance Fears

How to Overcome the 5 Most Common Freelance Fears

Ask any successful freelance writer, and they’ll tell you about the fears they had when they first started: the fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of not having enough experience, the fear of rejection … In order to succeed, these writers conquered their...