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How Do You Find Time to be an Expert?

How Do You Find Time to be an Expert?

As writers, most of the ways we become known as experts involve writing. But it can be hard to find the time to pack more writing into your schedule, especially when you’re just getting started. Time management is a subject mankind has always struggled with. It’s been...
Eat That Frog!

Eat That Frog!

I’ll admit it. I’m a planner. I used to be proud of it and even tried my hand at wedding planning. But I gradually came to realize that spending an entire working day just planning a project is not a good use of my time. One of the great things about...
Danger … “Shiny Objects” Ahead!

Danger … “Shiny Objects” Ahead!

Today, I want to talk about shiny objects and how they’ll hold back your freelance career if you let them. Shiny objects are tips, tricks, or techniques that distract you from your main path. They make you think there might be a better, faster way to succeed. When I...
The Problem of Too Many Goals and How to Solve It

The Problem of Too Many Goals and How to Solve It

A few times a year, I sit down and reflect on where my business has been, where it is, and where it’s going. I do this at the beginning of the calendar year and again on my birthday in August. This year, I realized I had a major problem that was stunting the...
How to Make Steady Progress

How to Make Steady Progress

As freelancers, we sometimes get overwhelmed because we’re expected to juggle many different hats – business owner, writer, accountant, marketer, etc. This causes you to lose momentum and, as a result, your business can suffer. Today, I want to tell you how I went...