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Fast Risk or Slow Growth?

Fast Risk or Slow Growth?

Previously I mentioned that I reflect on my business and life twice a year – in January and August. During my last reflection, I felt a little down on myself because my business has grown very slowly. I’m finally reaching a lot of my goals, but over the past few...
How to Eliminate Your Barriers

How to Eliminate Your Barriers

Before AWAI’s Bootcamp last year, I was still struggling with knocking down some of my barriers to success. I was worried I wasn’t cut out to be a copywriter. I was afraid of failure – and success. I was terrified to market myself. I thought I might get a big client,...
5 “Shortcuts” to Success

5 “Shortcuts” to Success

If you’re a freelance writer – or working to become one – nothing will get you off course faster than a shiny object. Shiny objects are tips, tricks, or techniques that distract you from your main path. They make you think there might be a better, faster way to...
A Shortage in Copywriting Clients?

A Shortage in Copywriting Clients?

Christina Gillick here … with a confession. I worry – a lot. One of my biggest fears used to be that the copywriting industry would change and there would no longer be enough good-paying work to go around. After hearing Bob Bly speak at Bootcamp last year, my...
My Fridge Says Nice Things to Me

My Fridge Says Nice Things to Me

I have the nicest refrigerator in the world. Every day, at least 10 times a day, it says the nicest things to me. You’re probably wondering how on earth my fridge speaks … A few weeks ago, right after I watched the movie that changed my writer’s life path forever, I...