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Is Content King?

Is Content King?

Everyone says, “Content is king,” but what does that really mean? There are two different views … 1. Quantity People who believe in this strategy say that the more content you write, the more website visitors you’ll get because of the sheer volume of keywords on your...
The First Step to Becoming an A-Level Copywriter

The First Step to Becoming an A-Level Copywriter

We’ve all been taught to start with the basics and build a solid foundation, no matter what goal you have in mind. But a common mistake is wanting to cover the basics and move on to advanced learning too quickly. In order to write great copy that turns readers into...
How Do You Find Time to be an Expert?

How Do You Find Time to be an Expert?

As writers, most of the ways we become known as experts involve writing. But it can be hard to find the time to pack more writing into your schedule, especially when you’re just getting started. Time management is a subject mankind has always struggled with. It’s been...
What I Wish I Knew Then

What I Wish I Knew Then

If you’re just starting your journey to the writer’s life, you may fear there are a million things to learn. I certainly did. But the truth is, there are only a handful of things you need to know to get started. The rest can be picked up as you work with clients and...
Eat That Frog!

Eat That Frog!

I’ll admit it. I’m a planner. I used to be proud of it and even tried my hand at wedding planning. But I gradually came to realize that spending an entire working day just planning a project is not a good use of my time. One of the great things about...